Anyone opting for the QUICKTURN® valve programme also receives the exclusive services provided by ABA BEUL GLOBAL. These range from on-site consulting and practical knowledge transfer in our seminar rooms to on-time logistics services. As an environmental measure, we also dispose of the packaging. So as you can see: ABA BEUL offers you an “all-round carefree package” – for maximum safety and increased competitiveness.
Quality is essential –
and it has always been a top priority for us
ABA BEUL GLOBAL fittings for building services installations of the highest precision and quality. High-quality customised solutions for a wide range of industries and applications. All this in a variety of gunmetal, brass and stainless steel materials to meet your requirements. With clear personal responsibility for quality vis-à-vis the customer – these are the principles that ABA BEUL GLOBAL stands for.
All stages from design through to the end product are monitored by a seamless and certified quality management system.
With its flexible, mid-size structures, ABA BEUL GLOBAL has more than 125 years of expertise in metallurgy and process technology – and all of this to your economic benefit. This adds a whole new dimension to the “Made in Germany” seal of quality: “Made by ABA BEUL GLOBAL”.
ABA BEUL GLOBAL Certifícate DIN EN ISO 9001 (PDF 0.1 MB)
The products of the QUICKTURN® range are individually packaged for sale in PP bags and labelled with a 13-digit EAN code. The packaging is disposed of in accordance with industry standards via Interzero GmbH & Co. KG, which we belong to under membership no. 91966.
Interzero certificate for 2024 (PDF 0,4 MB)
Interzero certificate for 2023 (PDF 0,4 MB)
“With Interzero, you opt for a dual system that is TÜV-certified. Not only service quality and performance but also the value-for-money support was rated as ‘very good’.” Source:
Interzero has impressively confirmed the success of our efforts to protect our environment by issuing this certificate for 2023:
Interzero-Certificate resources SAVED 2023 (PDF 0,4 MB)
Environmental management system
Protecting and conserving resources is one of the main tasks of modern environmental protection – and that applies to ABA BEUL GLOBAL as well. We strive to go beyond compliance with the applicable environmental laws and regulations. Within the framework of economic compatibility, avoidance and reduction of both environmental pollution and resource consumption are part of our philosophy of proactive environmental protection.
Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 in 2022 was an important step in the active implementation of our commitment to environment-friendly operation.
DQS-Zertifikat Umweltmanagementsystem ISO 14001 (PDF 0.1 MB)
DQS-Certificate Environmental Management System ISO 14001 (PDF 0.1 MB)
Master data quality management
ARGE sees itself as an expert for digital processes in the field of building services installations It provides services in the area of data quality management for ABA BEUL GLOBAL and downstream sales levels. The current certificate confirms both the “green tick” and DQR conformity according to version 9.0.
Das Schützen und Bewahren von Ressourcen ist eine Hauptaufgaben des modernen Umweltschutzes – so auch bei ABA BEUL.
Dabei gehen unsere Ziele über die Einhaltung der geltenden Umweltgesetze und Vorschriften hinaus. Vermeidung und Reduzierung von
Umweltbelastungen und den Verbrauch von Ressourcen begleiten unsere Ausrichtung als aktiven Umweltschutz im Rahmen wirtschaftlicher Verträglichkeit.
Die Zertifizierung gemäß der DIN EN ISO 14001 im Jahre 2022 war hier ein wichtiger Schritt der aktiven Umsetzung im Bekenntnis umweltgerechten Handelns.
DQS-Zertifikat Qualitätsmanagementsystem ISO 9001 (PDF 0,1 MB)
DQS-Certificate Quality Management System ISO 9001 (PDF 0,1 MB)
Dieselstraße 11
D-57439 Attendorn
Tel.: +49 2722 699-0